



recalibrate with the therapeutic use of psychedelic medicines

Psychedelics can be transformational change agents when facilitated with appropriate preparation, setting, and integration.

Research increasingly shows these to be some of the most effective experiential healing medicines available at this time for personal development, spiritual enlightenment, trauma processing, and mood disorder treatment. When used properly.

Choosing the use of psychedelic medicines with the right facilitator is a big decision. With a therapeutic psychedelic process, from preparation through integration, the opportunity for a successful altered states of consciousness journey is enhanced.

Intentional preparation can help reduce risk and harm , optimize set and setting, and maximize the healing potential..

Thoughtful integration can enhance the regenerative properties in mind, brain, body and spirit from psychedelics.

Therapeutic psychedelic use can be a sustainable deepening into your personal development process.

 I believe that the mind, body and soul have an inner healing intelligence that psychedelic medicine helps us to tap into and utilize more effectively and profoundly.

For some it is by going inside and exploring your inner selves and landscape that you grow, heal, and achieve your desired state of health and happiness. You can choose to be conscious and develop personal awareness to create an authentic life. You can deepen into the essence of who you are in your heart and live from that space. In search of who that is and what it feels like is often the call of the entheogens and psychedelic medicines.

It’s important to remember that there are many ways to access high vibrational living and valuable peak experiences. Psychedelics are not for everyone. Respectful relationship with these medicines is strongly encouraged. When in ceremony with our plant medicines reverence for the cultural origins is important.

Preparation can be invaluable to assess for potential risk factors, clarify intentions and develop a plan for post-experience integration. Conscious preparation creates the safe container for a successful and medicinal experience with the psychedelics.

Integration can be the most valuable part of the psychedelic therapeutic experience for insight, clarity and creating change. The process of preparation, experience and integration can be a personal process done with the help of a guide or on one’s own.

I truly believe that one is called to these medicines for a healing experience. Having the support and guidance of a trained guide can make all the difference in meeting desired outcomes. Proper preparation and integration makes the experience therapeutic, personally valuable and grounding.

Integration is unique to each person

The Entheogenic Research Integration & Education(ERIE) defines integration as “the process by which the material accessed and insights gained in a [psychedelic] experience are incorporated over time into one’s life in a way that benefits the individual and their community.”

Some of what may be covered with Integration is:

  • Finding meaning in the visual and/or somatic experiences that arose integration.

  • Exploring the emotional impact of the psychedelic experience.

  • Contextualizing the “story” of the journey, the narrative as part of your bigger picture.

  • Grounding insights into meaningful behavior change.

  • Understanding a “bad trip” or difficult experience as being useful.

  • Exploring how to live from a newly recognized truth, what will be different.

  • Examining how to share your experience with others, if you want to share it.

  • Managing cravings or desires to continue psychedelic exploration.

  • Setting intentions for further journeys based on what arose and desired directions.

  • Connecting the metaphors of the journey as part of the intrapsychic therapy.

 Integration focuses on how these themes and experiences in a psychedelic medicine session can be implemented into action and meaningful change. It can be a transformational process that extends far beyond the psychedelic experience that grounds it in reality with useful application to daily life.

It truly is what you make of it and the experience as a learning tool.

I offer pre and post-integration services to help you get the most from your psychedelic medicine journey. Let me help you work effectively with what can be valuable therapeutic information from your voyage of self-discovery. We work together to help you understand the story in the mythical and heal on the energetic to create a positive shift in personal frequency.

For a more therapeutic medicine journey I offer my services as a guide, sitter and group medicine facilitator. Inquire for specifics on my contact page.

We co-create a space to explore the mind, body, and spiritual intentions for your personal medicine journey.

Explore how assessment, set, setting and intentions are the foundation of a successful psychedelic experience. The therapeutic process is centered around bringing the inner voyage into your waking state reality to create a positive change state.

With proper preparation, experience and integration it becomes an intentional healing process. This can be the springboard to self knowledge and sustainable change. A psychedelic experience can offer a transformative psychological process that will support you in all your personal and spiritual development.

I can help you create the safe container to explore psychedelic medicine as a personal development process. Creating therapeutic space for the psychedelic experience to be a personal growth tool is the foundation of our work together.


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